White Supremacists Pose Biggest Threat to Deadly Domestic Terrorism, FBI Says

By Steve Neavling

No one poses a greater risk of committing “lethal violence against civilians” in the U.S. more than white supremacists, the FBI said in its annual risk assessment.

The bureau warned that white supremacists hope to trigger a “race war” by committing acts of domestic terrorism.

Since 2010, white supremacists have killed at least 77 people. 

One of the deadliest attacks occurred in May, when a man opened fire on Black shoppers at a supermarket in Buffalo, killing 10 people and injuring three others. 

White supremacists “driven by a belief in the superiority of the white race continue to pose the primary threat among [domestic violent extremists] of committing lethal violence against civilians, based on their ideology and attack history,” the report states.  

The radicals “believe that white people of European descent are superior to and threatened by minority populations, as well as by other whites whom they perceive as supporting these populations,” the FBI said. 

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