Widow of Arizona Border Patrol Agent Writes Book about Coping with Loss

Steve Neavling

The grieving wife of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent who was killed by a drunk driver in Arizona wrote a book about losing her husband, the Associated Press reports.

The book, “Crazy Courage: A Young Widow’s Survival Guide,” is a guide for widows of fallen officers.

“I heard myself sobbing uncontrollably, but only for a brief moment,” Samantha Gallagher wrote about hearing news of the death of her husband, Michael Gallagher. “It was a cry of hysteria, of helplessness. I remember hearing the sobs and it didn’t sound like me. It was like I was hearing someone else.”

Gallagher was 32 in September 2010 when he was driving on a reservation road for work. A drunken driver, Angela Mata, lost control of her car and killed Gallagher. She was sentenced to five years in prison last year, the AP wrote.


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