Withholding Autopsy Report of Imam Killed by FBI in Michigan Raises Suspicions

dearbornBy Allan Lengel

The Muslim community in the Detroit area is raising questions about a delay in the release of a medical examiner’s report on the death of an Imam, who was shot and killed by the FBI on Oct. 28, the Detroit News is reporting.

“The unfortunate and perhaps unintended consequence is that the failure to release the autopsy report and the very exorbitant amount for the pictures is raising in the minds of some people in the community that there’s a potential cover-up,” Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on Islamic-American Relations of Michigan told the Detroit News.

The FBI shot and killed Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah , 53, during a raid at a Dearborn warehouse that was part of a probe into a fencing operation. Authorities alleged that the Imam shot and killed an FBI dog before he was shot and killed.

The News reported that Dennis Niemiec, a spokesman for the county, said Monday that the report is complete, but the Dearborn police chief does not want to release it until his department’s investigation into the matter is complete.

FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold told the News it’s not up to the FBI whether to release the report, but evidence is often not made public during an investigation.

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