Woman Facing Up to Year in Prison for Laughing at AG Jeff Sessions

Activist Desiree Fairooz was convicted of disorderly conduct.
Activist Desiree Fairooz was convicted of disorderly conduct.

By Steve Neavling

The Justice Department is calling for prison time for a woman who laughed during Jeff Session’s confirmation hearing when a Republican senator from Alabama suggested that the attorney general nominee has a record of “treating all Americans equally under the law is clear and well documented,” The Independent reports. 

Activist Desiree Fairooz was arrested, charged and convicted by a jury of “disorderly conduct or disruptive conduct.”

Two activists who showed up at the hearing wearing KKK outfits were also charged with disorderly conduct.

The jury did not buy the suggestion of Fairooz’s attorney that the laugh was a “brief reflexive burst of noise.”

The Justice Department countered that the jury “could reasonably infer that the laugh was a deliberate disruption.”   

“The jury could infer from testimony and video evidence about the laugh and Fairooz’s subsequent conduct that her laugh was an intentional, loud statement of disagreement,” prosecutors said in the filing.

“The jury could have considered that upon being removed, Fairooz had a sign at the ready and loudly proclaimed and demonstrated her views. The jury then could reasonably view the resulting disruption as both an intentional and foreseeable result of the defendant’s course of conduct.”

Fairooz could be sentenced up to a year in prison this week, alongside the two activists who were wearing KKK outfits.

Sen. Richard Shelby is urging the court to impose the maximum penalty.

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