Chicago U.S. Atty Fitzgerald’s Office Accidentally Releases Names of Nearly 20 Confidential Witnesses in Fraud Probe

Well, in the midst of a rather busy period, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Chicago apparently goofed. What more can you say? By The Smoking Gun In a remarkable screw-up, a Department of Justice official today accidentally distributed to the media a document containing the names of nearly 20 confidential witnesses interviewed during a federal…

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Report Says Inauguaration Attractive Target For Terrorists but Authorities Know of No Specific Threats

The internal intelligence assessment offers no surprises. We all know the inauguration or any gathering of that magnitude — or for that matter any big sporting event like the Super Bowl or the Olympics — is an attractive target for terrorists.   As NBC’s Chris Matthews would say: Tell me something I don’t know. By EILEEN…

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