Ex-Gov Blago Wants Judge to Let Him Play All FBI Tapes at Trial

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Publicity hound Rod Blagojevich, the ex-Gov. of Illinois, pleaded “innocent” Wednesday in federal court in Chicago to a revised public corruption indictment, and his attorneys indicated they want the green light to play all the secret FBI recordings they desire during trial, the Chicago Tribune reported. The Tribune reported that Blago’s…

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Bernie Kerik: Evil Lawbreaker or Family Guy?

By Allan Lengel For Aol News Who will U.S. District Judge Stephen C. Robinson see when he peers down at ex-New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik during sentencing Feb. 18 in White Plains, N.Y.? An egotistical, lying, greedy lawbreaker, as the government suggests in documents filed Monday in federal court? Or a dedicated public…

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LA U.S. Atty. Asks for 27 Months for Man Who Videotaped ESPN Reporter Erin Andrews

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles is recommending that the man who secretly videotaped ESPN reporter Erin Andrews naked through hotel peep holes and posted the material on the Internet, get 27 months in prison. “She has lived in fear for her physical safety,” according to the government’s sentencing document…

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New York Times Editorial: Republicans Using Fear and Terrorism for Politics and Sound Bites For Nov.

The New York Times Editorial Page An election is coming, so the Republicans are trying to scare Americans by making it appear as if the Democrats don’t care about catching or punishing terrorists. It’s nonsense, of course, but effective. The be-very-afraid approach helped former President George W. Bush ram laws through Congress that chipped away…

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