FBI Probe Into New Orleans Police Officer Shootings After Katrina Gaining Traction

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The FBI in New Orleans appears to making headway in its probe into the shootings of six people on Danziger Bridge just after Hurricane Katrina hit. The New Orleans Times-Picayune reports that recently retired New Orleans police Lt. Michael Lohman, who helped investigate the shootings, but was not involved with them,…

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Indecision Hampering Pick For No. 2 Spot in Justice Department

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Indecision in Washington? Hard to believe. Washington Post columnist Al Kamen reports that there’s “still no decision on a deputy attorney general. Apparently the powers that be cannot agree on a candidate.” “A new name has emerged, our colleague Carrie Johnson reports,” Kamen reports. “It’s American University law school professor Dan…

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