Supervisor of Anthrax Suspect Has Doubts About FBI’s Investigation

By Allan Lengel Not everyone is buying into the FBI’s findings that scientist Bruce Ivins was the anthrax killer — including his supervisor. The Frederick News Post  in Frederick, Md., where Ivins worked at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases, reports that Ivins’ supervisor Jeffrey Adamovicz wasn’t impressed with the FBI…

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NY Fed Grand Jury Sends Toyota Subpoenas

By Allan Lengel DETROIT — Over the years, Toyota’s catchy slogans have included: “Oh, what a feeling!”; “I love what you do for me, Toyota! and “Who could ask for anything more”. Now of days, it may be something like: “Seriously, We’re Sorry!” The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that the auto giant, which…

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Ex-Phone Worker Hit With 3-Plus Years For Helping Tap Phones of the Rich and Famous for Rogue Hollywood Detective Pellicano

By Allan Lengel The Anthony Pellicano case just keeps giving. The latest: Joann Wiggan, 56, a  former SBC phone company worker,  was sentenced Monday  in Los Angeles to 3 years and 5 months in prison and fined $7,500 for helping  Pellicano, the rogue detective to the stars,  wiretap big name  actors like Sylvester Stallone,…

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