Ex-Secret Service Agent Richard Bartee Enters Sheriff’s Race in S.C.

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Ex-Secret Service James Richard Bartee, Jr., who protected President George H.W. Bush, has announced that he’s running for sheriff in Oconee County, S.C. in the Republican primary, the Independent Mail reported. The paper, which described Bartee as a “54-year-old private investigator and aikido dojo owner” quoted him as saying: ”I decided…

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Former Leaders of FBI, DEA Urge Stricter Privacy Laws in GPS Tracking

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com The tension between effective law enforcement and personal privacy is always present to some degree, but has certainly intensified in the decade following 9/11. Now, a bipartisan group including former FBI and DEA leaders are calling for new safeguards to protect individuals’ personal privacy. The Constitution Project, a D.C.-based think tank,…

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