Did FBI Agents Violate Rights of Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect During Aggressive Interrogation?

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The FBI’s interrogation of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev violated his rights while he he lay in pain in a hospital bed immediately following his arrest, his defense lawyers argued in court documents Wednesday. The Chicago Tribune reports that FBI agents ignored Tsarnaev’s 10 requests for a lawyer even though authorities…

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ATF’s Scott Sweetow Moving Up to Deputy Assistant Director

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Scott Sweetow, who heads up ATF’s St. Paul, Minn., office is moving up the chain. He”ll be taking over the job as Deputy Assistant Director for ATF’s Office of Strategic Intelligence and Information (OSII). His new responsibilities will include ATF’s partner engagement liaison with the intelligence community, overseeing ATF’s foreign operations…

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