Homeland Security Boosts Security for European Travelers to U.S. Over Terror Concerns

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Travelers flying to the U.S. on Western passports will face increased screenings as Homeland Security officials express concern about European Islamic militants trying to launch attacks, the Los Angeles Times reports. The idea is to “to learn more about travelers from countries from whom we do not require a visa,” Homeland…

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Justice Department Lacks Evidence to Warrant Civil Rights Charges Against Ferguson Cop

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Not enough evidence exists to bring civil rights charges against the white police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, investigators for the Justice Department said. The Washington Post reports that the Justice Department is reluctant to acknowledge the lack of evidence because of high tensions in the…

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Coffee, Anyone? Homeland Security Spends $30,000 at Starbucks Using ‘Purchase Cards’

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Homeland Security officials appear to have an affinity for Starbucks. NBC-4 Washington reports that Homeland Security employees spent $30,000 at the coffee chain in 2013. The drinks were bought with so-called purchase cards. At a Starbucks in Alameda, Calif., agency employees spent $12,000. “I don’t know the agency’s needs or contingencies,…

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