Internal Report: Homeland Security Fails Adequately Prepare for Potential Pandemics

By Steve Neavling Although Homeland Security has received $47 million to prepare for potential pandemics, federal authorities are far from ready and properly trained, according to a federal audit, the Washington Post reports. The Homeland Security inspector general found numerous problems, including the imminent expiration of antiviral drugs and a failure to find personal…

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International Fight Turns Around so FBI Can Arrest Mom in Parental Kidnapping Case

By Steve Neavling The FBI was able to get a United Airlines flight to turn around mid-flight from Washington Dulles International Airport to Beijing to arrest a passenger accused of parental kidnapping, the Washington Post reports. The mother, Wenking Liu, was arrested Thursday evening at Dulles International Airport, where the plan returned. Liu was…

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Senior DOJ Lawyer Named to No. 3 Post, Highest-Ever for Openly Gay Official

By Steve Neavling A senior Justice Department lawyer who has been a key proponent of President Obama’s initiatives has been named to the department’s No. 3 post, becoming the highest-ranking openly gay official to ever serve the department, the New York Times reports. Stuart F. Delery is replacing Tony West, who announced his departure…

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