How could 22-year-old Victor White III fatally shoot himself while handcuffed in the back of a police car in New Iberia, La.?
The Louisiana State Police completed its investigation of the unusual case, but the 16th Judicial District Attorney Phil Haney said his office will await the results of a separate FBI probe, The Town Talk reports.
“We’re going to reach out to the family through their attorney,” he said.
Iberia Parish Sheriff Louis Ackal said he sympathized with White and his family.
“In my opinion, this was a tragic loss of life and it is difficult to understand why it happened,” Ackal said in a statement.
White was in the back of a police car after being arrested March 2 for possession of marijuana and cocaine when police said he shot himself in the chest.
Family members are suspicious, finding it difficult to believe that White managed to shoot himself in the chest while handcuffed and after being searched by police.