Wisconsin’s DOJ Delayed Child Pornography Investigations for Months, Records Show

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The Wisconsin Department of Justice delayed investigations of child pornography tips for months, the Post Crescent reports. Criticism of the DOJ’s Internet child pornography unit mounted in March, when Milwaukee Special Agent-in-Charge Willie Brantley was fired and Special Agent Anna King resigned. It was discovered that nearly four dozen cases languished…

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Sen. Grassley Demands Answers from DEA about ‘Brutal Captivity’ of College Student

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Sen. Chuck Grassley wants answers. The Republican from Iowa is demanding details of the treatment of Daniel Chong, who was detained and deprived of water and food for five days, the Hill reports. “The American people still do not know the full details about Mr. Chong’s mistreatment and abuse,” Grassley wrote….

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FBI Investigates Coordinated Hacking Attacks on JPMorgan Chase, Other Financial Institutions

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com JPMorgan Chase was among at least five financial institutions recently hacked in coordinated attacks, the USA Today reports. A federal law enforcement official told USA Today that investigators believe Russian attackers were behind the hacking. Now FBI agents are trying to determine whether the attacks were related to U.S. sanctions against…

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Local Police Receive Cell Phone-Monitoring Surveillance Made for Federal Government

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The militarization of local law enforcement has become a hot button topic since police in Ferguson employed their weapons during the recent protests, Bloomberg Businessweek reports. What’s not getting as much attention is surveillance equipment that some police forces are getting from federal law enforcement. In Tacoma, Wash., police were using…

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Condition of Ex-FBI Chief Freeh Remains Mystery After Serious Car Accident

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Former FBI Director Louis Freeh remained hospitalized Wednesday but officials remained tight-lipped about his condition, the Burlington Free Press reports. Freeh, 64, of Wilmington, Del, crashed his SUV on a rural stretch of southern Vermont on Monday and has been in the hospital since under armed guard. Authorities said no drugs…

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