White House Gets Added Protection from America’s Beloved Four-Legged Friends

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The White House is using our beloved four-legged friends to help secure the area around the White House, PBS reports. Secret Service recently began deploying specialized canine units among the general public for the first time. “This is just one of the proactive, visible security methods being utilized,” said Secret Service spokesman…

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ProPublica: Here’s One Way to Land on the NSA’s Watch List

By by Julia Angwin and Mike Tigas ProPublica Last week, German journalists revealed that the National Security Agency has a program to collect information about people who use privacy-protecting services, including popular anonymizing software called Tor. But it’s not clear how many users have been affected. So we did a little sleuthing, and found that the NSA’s targeting list corresponds with the list…

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Roommate of Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Surprised by Friend’s Visit

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Just hours after the FBI released photos of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, the roommate of one of the accused mass killers said he was surprised when someone came over to retrieve some of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s belongings, the Boston Globe reports. Andrew Dinwell was testifying in the obstruction-of-justice trial of Azamat Tazhayakov,…

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Attorney General Holder Urge Global Allies to Adopt Anti-Terrorism Tacts Used by FBI

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Calling the Syrian conflict a “global crisis in need of a global solution,” Attorney General Eric Holder urged U.S. allies to use tactics employed by the FBI to root out extremists before they strike, Huffington Post reports. Speaking to Norwegian officials in Oslo, Holder suggested that other countries adopt pre-emptive counterterrorism tactics…

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FBI, NSA Has Been Spying on Innocent Muslim Americans Since 9/11

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The federal government has been spying on law-abiding Muslim Americans, according to the latest documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. The Intercept reports that new documents show the targets of the surveillance included lawyers, academics, civil rights activists, and a political candidate who “have all led highly public, outwardly exemplary…

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Border Patrol Agent Told to ‘Immediately Desist’ from Speaking to Media

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Border Patrol sent an official warning to one of its agents, saying he must “immediately desist” from communicating with the media with information that is “Law Enforcement sensitive,” according to the document obtained by National Review. The letter from Kathleen Scudder, assistant chief patrol agent of the San Diego Sector, was sent…

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