Republicans Use Paris Terror Attack to Go After Obama’s Immigration Plan

By Steve Neavling  Not even six hours passed before politicians began injecting the terrorist attack in Paris into budget debates.  CNN reports that Republicans are trying to add ammunition to their upcoming budgetary battle with Democrats by claiming President Obama’s new immigration policies hamper Homeland Security’s fight against terrorism. Republicans are expected to unveil…

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Airport, Airline Employees About to Undergo More Vigorous Security Measures

By Steve Neavling  Airport and airline employees will soon face tougher security measures being implemented by the TSA, CBS New York reports. Homeland Security made the announcement just weeks after a gun-smuggling operation in which a bag handler and ramp agent were involved.  Among the potential security measures could be airline-employee screenings, additional TSA…

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FBI Director Comey to Explain Why FBI Believes North Korea Was Behind Sony Attack

By Steve Neavling  Cyber-security experts have expressed skepticism about the FBI’s claims that North Korea was involved in the hacking attacks of Sony, Gizmodo reports.  After days of silence, FBI Director James Comey is expected today to present the bureau’s case that North Korea was involved during a speech at the International Conference on…

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