DEA Imposter Pleads Guilty in Missouri And Gets Movie Deal

In the end, posing as a DEA agent was not a very good idea. Unfortunately, at the time, Bill Jakob thought it was. His attorney says Jakob just wanted to be liked. Well, hopefully he’ll find friends in prison — or maybe even in Hollywood where he’s landed a movie deal.

By Robert Patrick
ST. LOUIS — Bill Jakob has, in recent years, been caught in his share of lies and scams.
His most famous was impersonating a federal law enforcement agent, kicking down doors and arresting people in the small Franklin County town of Gerald.
That got him in the news across the country. It also got him a Hollywood movie deal and an upcoming segment on the TV news show “60 Minutes.”
It also will likely earn him five or more years in federal prison after his guilty plea Monday to 23 felony charges.
Jakob’s motivation for the scam? His lawyer, Joel Schwartz, said it was partly a “desire to be liked and to succeed.”

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