77-Year-Old Mobster Shot in Prison Multiple Times With Rubber Bullets By Guards

By Allan Lengel

The mob world is full of irony.

Jerry Capeci, mob expert, noted one of the latest on his website Gang Land News.

Capeci wrote that act  Colombo Crime boss Andrew (Mush) Russo,  77,  has spent half a century as a “made man” and never once got shot.

But that changed last week, Gang Land News noted, when an earthquake hit the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn where he’s housed.

Russo was on the phone checking to see if relatives were OK when he was shot in the back by as many as five rubber bullets fired by correction officers, Gang Land reported. He was also hit in the leg with a tear gas canister.

Capeci wrote that guards were having a hard time controlling inmates and convincing them to get back in their cells.

Gang Land wrote that guard initially refused to give Russo medical attention until the next day when he was taken to the Downstate Medical Center. He was treated for painful black and blue bruises, his attorney George Galgano told Gang Land News.

“The actions by the guards were truly outrageous,” said Galgano, who said that his client “was an innocent bystander.” The attorney said his client was not charged with any administrative violations.

“From what I can determine,” said Galgano, “the guards panicked and began firing into a large group of inmates who were not happy that they were being locked down in their cells while everyone else was being evacuated.”

Capeci noted: “If the guards managed to shoot an innocent bystander five times in the back, Gang Land dreads to think what they did to the real culprits.”

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