Already Facing Feds Charges, John Edwards Faces Latest PR Mess: Accusations He Slept With a Hooker

By Allan Lengel

Former Sen. John Edwards, who is already dealing with a mess of federal charges that he violated  campaign finance laws to shield an affair,  is going to have to deal with this latest public relations mess.

The website DNAinfo reports a hooker working for the millionaire Mom Madam Anna Gristina told investigators she was paid to have sex with Edwards in 2007 while he was in New York raising money for his failed presidential bid.

One of Edwards’ attorneys issued a strongly worded statement denying the allegation.

The New York Daily News reported that one of Edwards attorneys Allison Van Lanigham issued a statement saying:

“Mr. Edwards categorically denies that he was involved with any prostitute or service.”

“These allegations are false, defamatory, and he puts those who would publish or repeat them on notice that they acting with actual malice by reporting or repeating them. He has demanded a complete retraction from the only source being quoted.”

Edward’s denials may lack a little weight considering that he denied having an affair with with former campaign worker Rielle Hunter, but eventually admitted father her child.




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