Andrew Traver Who Was Nominated for Director is Named Head of ATF’s Denver Office

Andrew Traver/ photo
By Allan Lengel

Andrew Traver, whose nomination by President Obama to head up ATF seems to have gone nowhere, is the new head of ATF’s  Denver office.

Before getting this new assignment he was head of the Chicago ATF.

Traver began his ATF career in 1987 as a special agent in the Chicago Field Division and went on to other posts, including Group Supervisor in Philadelphia, New Jersey and New Orleans.

In November 2010, Traver was nominated by President Barack Obama to become director of ATF. He was subsequently re-nominated to the new session of Congress in January 2011, the first ATF career Special Agent to be so nominated.

But there seemed to be resistance on the Hill to appointing him and the nomination seemed to go nowhere.


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