One of the first snipers on the scene at the deadly Waco clash in Texas was Wendel Frost, an ATF agent at the time.
Now that he’s retired, Frost, who now lives in Cleveland, can speak openly about the controversial raid in 1993.
Frost said he was frustrated with new coverage that suggested law enforcement went after the Branch Davidian group of its beliefs, the Cleveland Daily Banner wrote.
The truth was, Frost said, the group’s leader, David Koresh, was abusing children and women.
“The thing that actually made us do the high-risk entry was the children,” he told the Bradley Sunrise Rotary Club.
FBI agents have always been concerned about abusing children, eh?
see link for full story
CNN exclusive: FBI misconduct reveals sex, lies and videotape
By Scott Zamost and Kyra Phillips, CNN Special Investigations Unit
January 27, 2011
Washington (CNN) — An FBI employee shared confidential information with his girlfriend, who was a news reporter, then later threatened to release a sex tape the two had made.
A supervisor watched pornographic videos in his office during work hours while “satisfying himself.”
And an employee in a “leadership position” misused a government database to check on two friends who were exotic dancers and allowed them into an FBI office after hours.
These are among confidential summaries of FBI disciplinary reports obtained by CNN, which describe misconduct by agency supervisors, agents and other employees over the last three years
Read the FBI documents obtained by CNN
— An employee had “a sexual relationship with a source” over seven months. The punishment was a 40-day suspension.
— The supervisor who viewed “pornographic movies in the office while sexually satisfying himself” during work hours received a 35-day suspension.
— The employee in a “leadership position” who misused a “government database to conduct name checks on two friends who were foreign nationals employed as exotic dancers” and “brought the two friends into FBI space after-hours without proper authorization” received a 23-day suspension. The same employee had been previously suspended for misusing a government database.
— An employee who was drunk “exploited his FBI employment at a strip club,” falsely claiming he was “conducting an official investigation.” His punishment was a 30-day suspension.
— And an employee conducted “unauthorized searches on FBI databases” for “information on public celebrities the employee thought were ‘hot'” received a 30-day suspension.
see link for full story
February 22, 2013
FBI agents caught sexting and dating drug dealers
Dating drug dealers, harassing ex-boyfriends with naked pictures, and pointing guns at pet dogs: these were just a few of the offences committed recently by serving FBI agents, according to internal documents.
The US provided officers from the Egyptian secret police with training at the FBI, despite allegations that they routinely tortured detainees and suppressed political opposition.
Disciplinary files from the Bureau’s Office of Professional Responsibility record an extraordinary range of transgressions that reveal the chaotic personal lives of some of America’s top law enforcers.
One male agent was sacked after police were called to his mistress’s house following reports of domestic incident. When officers arrived they found the agent “drunk and uncooperative” and eventually had to physically subdue him and wrestle away his loaded gun.
A woman e-mailed a “nude photograph of herself to her ex-boyfriend’s wife” and then continued to harass the couple despite two warnings from senior officials. The Bureau concluded she was suffering from depression related to the break-up and allowed her to return to work after 10 days.
see link for full story
Buffalo FBI Agent Busted
Dec 10, 2012
BUFFALO, NY – A Special Agent working in the Buffalo office of the FBI is due in Eden Town Court later this month, after being arrested by New York State Police last Friday night, charged with exposing himself to a fellow motorist on the New York State Thruway.
State Police Lt. David Denz confirmed for WGRZ-TV that John A. Yervelli Jr., 48, of Lakeview, was charged with Public Lewdness, a class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to 90 days in jail.
According to Denz, a truck driver from central New York was traveling in the right lane while east bound on the Thruway near mile marker 442, between Exits 57 and 57A, when he noticed a grey minivan pull alongside him in the passing lane.
The trucker told police that when he looked down, he noticed the driver of the other vehicle (who had turned his dome light on) was not wearing pants.
“At that point the complainant stated that the driver of the minivan was exposing himself and making lewd gestures,” Denz told 2 On Your Side.
Denz says the trucker called police, who then intercepted the minivan at the Hamburg toll plaza, where the trucker also went to identify Yervelli. Denz said it appeared Yervelli was wearing pants when he was pulled over.
“He denied exposing himself,” Denz told Channel 2, but added that “inconsistencies” in the account given by Agent Yervelli lead State Police to file charges.
A source says Yervelli insisted to the trooper who pulled him over that he was attempting to relieve himself into a bottle while he was driving. However, the location where he said that occurred was within a few miles (or minutes) of the exit he was headed to, and even closer to a Thruway rest stop.
“I don’t want to give you too many specifics as far as what he stated, but he made statements that would lead you to believe that the truck driver’s story was credible,” Denz said.
Child Porn Probe Leads To FBI Headquarters
Target claims inquiry is just a “misunderstanding”
JANUARY 5 2011–The government’s pursuit of suspects trafficking in child pornography recently led federal agents to a familiar address–the FBI’s Washington, D.C. headquarters, where a bureau official is the subject of an ongoing criminal probe, The Smoking Gun has learned.
The investigation by the Department of Justice’s inspector general is focusing on FBI employee Joseph Bonsuk’s receipt of nearly 80 illicit images that were e-mailed to him by an Illinois sex offender whose rap sheet includes felony convictions for bank robbery and solicitation of a minor.
Prosecutors move to dismiss charges against former Scout leader
January 3, 2007
NEW HAVEN, Conn. –Federal prosecutors have moved to dismiss charges against a retired FBI agent who was indicted on child sex charges dating back more than a decade when he was a Boy Scout leader, in response to the death of his accuser.
William Hutton, 63, of Killingworth, was arrested in February on charges he enticed a member of his Scout troop to Maine for the purpose of sexual activity in 1994 and 1995.
Former Scout leader, FBI agent indicted on child sex charges
News-Times, The (Danbury, CT)
Saturday, February 4, 2006
NEW HAVEN (AP) – A retired FBI agent was indicted Friday on federal child sex charges dating back more than a decade when he was a Boy Scout leader.
William Hutton, 63, of Killingworth, was arrested Friday. The federal grand jury indictment accuses Hutton of enticing a member of his Scout troop to Maine for the purpose of sexual activity in 1994 and 1995.
“It’s obviously devastating. He was an FBI agent in this district and was reputed in this district,” defense attorney Hugh Keefe said.
“The people who worked with him in the U.S. attorney’s office and FBI respected him.”
Keefe said the investigation has been going on for years. He would not discuss the details of the case or how the allegations surfaced.
Investigators asked anyone who knows anything about the case to call the FBI. U.S. Attorney Kevin O’Connor said that’s standard practice whenever there might be more victims.
“In any case that’s a concern,” O’Connor said. “Whether that’s the situation here I can’t say.”
If convicted on all four charges, Hutton faces up to 30 years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines.
Hutton was released on a $200,00 bond. He may not own any firearms or have any unsupervised contact with children. He was also ordered to stay away from playgrounds, schools, arcades or anywhere children congregate.
Edward Rodgers was in charge of investigating cases of Child Abuse at the FBI
THE DENVER POST – Voice of the Rocky Mountain Empire
May 17, 1990
Sisters win sex lawsuit vs. dad $2.3 million given for years of abuse
By Howard Prankratz
Denver Post Legal Affairs Writer
Two daughters of former state and federal law enforcement official Edward Rodgers were awarded $2.319,400 yesterday, after a Denver judge and jury found that the women suffered years of abuse at the hands of their father.
The award to Sharon Simone, 45, and Susan Hammond, 44, followed testimony of Rodgers’ four daughters in person or through depositions, describing repeated physical abuse and sexual assaults by their father from 1944 through 1965.
Rodgers, 72, who became a child abuse expert after retiring from the FBI and joining the colorado Springs DA’s office, failed to appear for the trial. But in a deposition taken in March, Rodgers denied ever hitting or sexually abusing his children.
Local attorney arrested
On child indecency accusations
Updated: Wednesday, 22 Apr 2009, 1:33 PM CDT
Published : Monday, 20 Apr 2009,
MOBILE, Ala. – Mobile Police arrested 52-year-old Phillip Kent Baxley on child indecency charges. Baxley is a local attorney in Mobile, but he’s also a former coach and acting president for the Mobile Soccer Club.
“I’m surprised to hear it,” said Mobile Soccer Club Director, Mohammed Elzare. “He’s a former FBI agent and attorney. So we’re definitely saddened to hear this.”
Baxley was arrested at his Dauphin Street office on a fugitive felony warrant out of Harris County, Texas.
Texas police officers say Baxley was involved in an incident with a nine-year-old girl in 2004.
Investigators say it happened at a family member’s house in a Houston suburb, but the girl waited some time before saying anything.
“When the victim, the nine-year-old made the outcry she was interviewed in another county and all of the information was forwarded to us and the investigation went from there,” said Lt. Wade Conner with the Deer Park, Texas Police Department.
Mobile Soccer Club Board Members say they were blind-sided by the news on Monday. For now, the board likely plans to distance itself from Baxley.
“Stopping ties until this situation is resolved and hopefully it comes out to a good outcome,” said Elzare.
But Texas investigators are confident the charges will stick, despite Baxley’s background. “If they’re a pedophile then we deal with them all the same,” said Wade. “It doesn’t matter what they do for a living.”
Baxley is locked up in the Mobile County Jail. That’s where he’ll stay until he’s extradited to Texas.
FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Child Abuse
Tuesday February 17, 2004 11:46 PM
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) – The former chief internal watchdog at the FBI has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl and has admitted he had a history of molesting other children before he joined the bureau for what became a two-decade career.
John H. Conditt Jr., 53, who retired in 2001, was sentenced last week to 12 years in prison in Tarrant County court in Fort Worth, Texas, after he admitted he molested the daughter of two FBI agents after he retired. He acknowledged molesting at least two other girls before he began his law enforcement career, his lawyer said.
Monday August 8, 2005 Longtime FBI agent sentenced to prison on child porn count
also see http://www.policeone.com/news/113935-Longtime-Idaho-FBI-Agent-Sentenced-for-Possessing-Child-Porn/
BOISE, Idaho- A longtime FBI agent who helped arrest infamous outlaw Claude Dallas has been sentenced to a year in prison for possessing child pornography.
William Buie, 64, was sentenced Monday after pleading guilty in March. Buie told authorities that he learned to access child pornography Web sites while attending a seminar on preventing child exploitation in 2000 or 2001.
see link for full story
FIRST ON 5 NEWS: FBI Agent Arrested on Harassment Charges
13, 2013
An FBI agent out of Clarksburg is on the wrong side of the law. That’s because on Friday, he was arrested on harassment charges in Monongalia County.
Scott Thomas Ballock is facing the charge after he supposedly continually sent multiple e-mails to a woman after she asked him to stop. State Police allege that this happened from October 2012 through this July of this year. Ballock apparently used his personal and government issued e-mail addresses.
According to some online conferences, Ballock is listed as a supervisory special agent at the FBIi’s National Data Exchange Program Office in Clarksburg.
February 22, 2007
Ex-FBI man gets 7 years for child sex
Former FBI analyst sentenced in child sex case
A 17-year veteran of the FBI will serve seven years in prison for having sexual relations with a young girl in Spotsylvania County, a judge ruled yesterday.
Anthony John Lesko, 44, entered an Alford plea yesterday in Spotsylvania Circuit Court to nine counts of felony indecent liberties upon a child.
Lesko, who later moved to Jacksonville, Fla., worked as an intelligence analyst at the FBI for 17 years, according to his attorney, James A. Carter II. He is a major in the U.S. Army Reserves and has received numerous military awards.
An Alford plea means Lesko doesn’t admit guilt but believes there is enough evidence for a conviction. Under the terms of the plea, he was sentenced to seven years in prison with another 15 years suspended.
Lesko engaged in a sex act with a girl, 9 and 10 at the time, at least nine times in 2003-2004, according to evidence put forth by Spotsylvania Commonwealth’s Attorney William Neely.
The girl told a member of the Spotsylvania Department of Social Services about the activity in February 2004, according to the evidence. Lesko at first denied the allegations, but later spoke with a U.S. Navy counselor about them.
Lesko told the counselor that he was the victim of the sexual assault; he said the girl initiated the contact, according to the plea. Lesko entered the plea partly to spare the girl the pain of a trial, his attorney said.
on for 12 months after pleading guilty to possession of child pornography.
William Buie, 64, of Boise, most recently worked as an investigator for the Idaho attorney general’s office.
FBI Agent Accused Of Masturbating In Public
May 25, 2007
FBI Agent Accused Of Masturbating In Public
Posted by, Marissa Pasquet KOLD News 13 News Editor
FBI Special Agent Ryan Seese, 34, is facing sex offense charges after a cleaning woman said she found him masturbating in a women’s lavatory on campus, according to a University of Arizona police spokesman.
FBI Workers Suspected of Secretly Taping Teens in Dressing Room
April 20, 2009
Two FBI workers are accused of using surveillance equipment to spy on teenage girls as they undressed and tried on prom gowns at a charity event at a West Virginia mall.
The FBI employees have been charged with conspiracy and committing criminal invasion of privacy. They were working in an FBI satellite control room at the mall when they positioned a camera on temporary changing rooms and zoomed in for at least 90 minutes on girls dressing for the Cinderella Project fashion show, Marion County Prosecutor Pat Wilson said Monday.
see link for full story
April 9, 2013
Former FBI agent files petition to enter guilty plea for child pornography charges
A local former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent arrested on child pornography charges filed a petition to enter a guilty plea.
Donald Sachtleben was arrested in May 2012, following an investigation into the distribution of child pornography. Authorities said they were able to trace online activity back to Sachtleben’s Carmel home.
According to court documents, Sachtleben hid behind the email ‘pedodave69@yahoo.com’ and openly traded child porn. In one email he attached nine images of child pornography and child erotica and wrote:
“Saw your profile… Hope you like these and can send me some of (y)ours. I have even better ones if you like.”
Police obtained a search warrant on May 3. During an initial forensic examination of Sachtleben’s laptop computer, approximately 30 images and video files containing child pornography were reportedly discovered.
Former top FBI agent charged with child porn distribution
By Bill Mears, CNN
May 15, 2012
(CNN) — A former supervisory FBI agent has been arrested and jailed on child pornography charges.
Donald Sachtleben was taken into custody and charged Monday after a nationwide undercover investigation of illegal child porn images traded over the Internet.
A federal complaint alleges 30 graphic images and video were found on Sachtleben’s laptop computer late last week when FBI agents searched his home, about 23 miles north of Indianapolis.
Sachtleben is currently an Oklahoma State University visiting professor, according to his online resume. He is director of training at the school’s Center for Improvised Explosives, but all references to his work have now been removed from the university’s website. There was no indication from the school as to whether it had suspended him. Calls to the university and his Indianapolis attorneys were not immediately returned.
He had been an FBI special agent from 1983 to 2008, serving as a bomb technician. He worked on the Oklahoma City bombing and Unabomber investigations, according to his university biography.
A separate LinkedIn profile filled out by Sachtleben says he is an “accomplished investigator with more than 25 years of experience in FBI major case management, counter terrorism investigations, bombing prevention, post blast investigations and public speaking.”
FBI agent arrested on child sexual assault charge
Associated Press – January 15, 2008 6:14 PM ET
PUEBLO, Colo. (AP) – An FBI agent is under arrest in Pueblo for investigation of sexual assault on a child by someone in a position of trust.
Authorities say 53-year-old David Allan Johnson is being held in the Pueblo County jail today on a $100,000 bail.
Former Great Falls FBI agent sentenced on child sex charges
Jan 23, 2008
A man from Great Falls who’s accused of sexually assaulting five underage girls will be spending the next 10 years behind bars.
Stanley Perkins, 64, changed his plea to guilty after police began investigating him for child molestation in August 2006.
The former educator, who also served two years as an FBI agent, was sentenced on one count of felony sexual assault.
see link for full story
Jail for former FBI worker from Va.
Washington Post Editors
A 65-year-old former FBI employee from Prince William County was sentenced to nearly four years in prison Friday for possessing child pornography.
Samuel I. Kaplan, of Gainesville, who pleaded guilty June 2 in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, was sentenced to 46 months behind bars.
Kaplan was an information technology program manager at an FBI facility in Chantilly when authorities discovered that he had used the FBI’s computer network to “facilitate sexually explict communications,” the Justice Department said.
Investigators said they later found 10 to 20 images on Kaplan’s home computer showing juveniles involved in sex acts.
Meaning no disrespect to Mr. Frost, there was no urgency in moving ahead with the ATF’s raid once the Davidians knew they were coming.
But ATF leadership–or lack thereof–chose to go with their plan rather than attempt to arrest Koresh at a later date.
That children were being abused is an emotional element that ignores the reality that going ahead with a flawed plan after losing the element of surprise ultimately cost many more lives on both sides of the law.