Atlanta-based Website Affiliated with FBI is Hacked

By Allan Lengel

A non-profit website based in Atlanta that partners with the FBI and other organizations, and tracks cyber-crimes, was shut down Sunday after it was hacked, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

The paper reported that InfraGard Atlanta, which partners with local business, government, academic security experts and the FBI, was hacked late last week by a group of hackers known as Lulz Security.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Lulz hijacked the InfraGard site late last week and published the email addresses, usernames and passwords of its 180 members.

Stephen Emmett, an FBI spokesman, said via email Sunday, according to the paper: “The FBI and its partners at the Atlanta Chapter (of) Infragard, a cyber security information sharing collaborative, are aware of the recent efforts to breach its Atlanta Chapter website. As a precaution, that website has been shut down.”

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