Attorney Gen. Eric Holder Jr. delivered a speech in Vegas that not only focused on anti-Semitism, but also touched on the anti-Muslim sentiments in this country. It might help if both groups realized how much they had in common.

Jerusalem Post Washington Correspondent
US Attorney-General Eric Holder decried the continued phenomenon of anti-Semitism in America as well as the stigma felt by many Muslim Americans, in an address at an Anti-Defamation League dinner Saturday night.
“The stubborn persistence of anti-Semitism saddens me – for it undeniably still exists. We deny this at our peril,” he said. “Whether in a casual joke made in private when the speaker thinks no Jewish person is listening, or in shocking public acts of violence, its heartlessness and ugliness should scald the conscience of every American.”
Holder, speaking in Las Vegas, pointed out that religiously motivated attacks are the second most-common category of hate crimes following race-based incidents.