The Border Patrol union said at least one agent has contracted scabies, a mite-borne skin infection that is coming into U.S. via illegal immigrant minors, Fox News reports.
“Border Patrol management is aware of the scabies outbreak but continue to ignore recommendations,” Ronald Zermeno, health and safety director for the San Diego chapter, wrote to a top California Border Patrol official in a July 4 letter.
The union is worried about a larger infection as Central American families continue to flood the border.
The agent who contracted scabies was doing medical screening despite having no experience as a medical professional.
“He observed several people with open sores and which he recorded on the questionnaire,” Zermeno said. “He was not told about any precautions to take such as decontamination of himself and uniform. This demonstrates that we are not properly trained to identify infectious disease and to properly respond when we suspect a disease.”