Boston U.S. Atty Ortiz Reviewing 1993 Pipe Bomb Case Possibly Linked to Ala. Prof.

U.S. Atty. Carmen Ortiz
U.S. Atty. Carmen Ortiz
By Allan Lengel

The Boston U.S. Attorney is stepping into the wild and crazy world of Amy Bishop, the Alabama prof who went on a shooting rampage.

The Boston Globe reports that U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz said her office will review its 1993 probe into the two pipe bombs that were mailed to a Harvard medical professor who helped force Bishop out of her job at Chidren’s Hospital in Boston.

The Globe reported that Ortiz wants to make sure all appropriate steps were taken at the time time of the probe back in 1993.

Prof. Amy Bishop/university photo
Prof. Amy Bishop/university photo

“While it would be inconsistent with our legal obligations to release all information related to this incident, we have commenced a thorough review of the information related to this incident to confirm that all appropriate steps were taken in that matter, and to determine whether information related to this incident may be of assistance to other law enforcement agencies,”  she said in a  statement, according to  the Globe.

The action came after the ATF released documents which showed that a witness said Bishop’s husband had said that he wanted to harm the professor.

Bishop and her husband were questioned at the time, but never charged in the unsolved case.

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