Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Loretta E. Lynch Named Fed of the Year for 2014

By Allan Lengel

Loretta E. Lynch, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn, has been named Fed of the Year for 2014.

Lynch, who was appointed to the post by President Obama in 2010, is known as a solid leader with strong management skills. She has shown a steady hand in leading the office, which has indicted a number of high-impact cases without worrying about generating media publicity.

A graduate of Harvard Law School, Lynch’s skill set and professionalism made her a natural pick for President Obama, who has nominated her to replace Eric Holder Jr. as Attorney General.  She’s gotten the endorsements of law enforcement including the the FBI Agents Association, which said in a statement in November:

“The FBIAA appreciates the importance of Attorney General leadership, and we look forward to working with Ms. Lynch, who has been a strong supporter of FBI Agents from her days as a trial attorney to her time as United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York”

This is Lynch’s second tour of duty as head of the office in Brooklyn. She headed the office from 1999 to 2001 under President Clinton.

Her office is known for its steady flow of indictments ranging from mob cases to public corruption to stock fraud.

She is the second U.S. Attorney to receive the award since it was first given in 2008. The first year, the award went to then-Chicago U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald.

Besides Fitzgerald, previous recipients have included:  Warren Bamford, who headed the Boston FBI (2009), Joseph Evans, regional director for the DEA’s North and Central Americas Region in Mexico City (2010) and Thomas Brandon, deputy Director of ATF (2011) and David Bowdich, special agent in charge of counterrorism in Los Angeles. Bowdich was just named assistant director in charge of the LA office.


2 thoughts on “Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Loretta E. Lynch Named Fed of the Year for 2014

  1. TTW’s designation of Ms Lynch as fed of the year gives pause.One might assume such to be awarded to someone in the trenches and in the competitive civil service ranks.Instead, as in years prior, the Blue Ribbon goes to a politically connected presidential appointee.
    TTW appears enthralled by the front office desk jockeys-not the working stiffs in the front lines. Might not a killed in the line of duty Border Patrol agent be more deserving ?

    TTW echoes FLEOA which is best known for its coffee mugs, decals, plastic badges, blood drives, bluffs, boatrides, barbeques and bring your boss to lunch day. It is also well remembered for its joined at the hip partnership with disbarred attorney and excon jack Solerwitz.

    Would it be too much to ask TTW & FLEOA before its press releases endorsing Ms Lynch if:
    1) she intends to continue the same tried and failed leadership of AG Holder ?
    2)Will she continue the Nixonian contempt of Congress policy of Holder in re Fast&Furious?
    3)will she address/investigate the IG’s findings in re to ATF asst director working a $200,000 a year job in the Philippines ?
    4) Will she continue the White House-DOJ
    coverup of Lois Lerner’s IRS maintenance of an Enemies List ?
    5)Does she sanction active federal employees taking the Fifth ?
    6)Is she aware that the tragedy of Ferguson,Missouri began as a strong arm robbery of a minority owned convenience store
    (wherein the robbery proceeds were not baby formula but a carton of BLUNTS) ?
    8. What is her current evaluation of AG Holder’s tenure ?
    9. Has she read the federal Court opinion
    vindicating ATF agent Jay Dobyns ?
    Just askin.

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