Legal Experts Say Louie Freeh’s Penn State Report is Lacking

By Steve Neavling Some legal experts criticize former FBI director Louis Freeh for not delving deeper into the past of accused molester Jerry Sandusky while investigating the Penn State University sex-abuse scandal, The New York Daily News reports. Freeh’s report, which was released Thursday, didn’t explore Sandusky’s relationship with children prior to 1998, when…

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Louie Freeh Report: Penn State’s Top Leaders Covered Up for Sandusky for 14 Years

  By Allan Lengel and Steve Neavling In a damning report that confirms what many suspected, an independent investigation, led by ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh found that top leaders at Pennsylvania State University, including legendary football coach Joe Paterno, tried covering up Jerry Sandusky’s sexual abuse of children for 14 years. The findings of…

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FBI, Justice Department Reviewing Potentially Flawed Forensic Evidence

Steve Neavling The FBI and Justice Department are launching an unprecedented review of forensic evidence in thousands of criminal cases to ensure no one was wrongly convicted since at least 1985, the Washington Post reports. The sweeping review includes rape, murder and robbery cases conducted by all FBI Laboratory hair and fiber examiners, people…

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Justice Department to Protect Against Leaks of Economic Data

 Steve Neavling Worried about the impact on leaked, sensitive economic date, the FBI helped convince the U.S. Labor Department to tighten control of the information, Reuters reports. A Labor Department study suggests some financial institutions had access to the agency’s press room before the economic reports were made public. The information is important because…

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