FBI Dir. Mueller Fires Off Letter Opposing Mandatory Military Custody for Terrorist Suspects

    By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com It’s not everyday that FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III jumps into the political fray. But the Associated Press reports that Mueller on Monday fired off a letter to lawmakers raising concerns about a proposed defense bill that would require military custody for someone captured who is suspected of…

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On Cyber Monday, Feds Shut Down Websites that Peddle Counterfeit Goods

 By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com On Cyber Monday, the big Internet shopping day, the Justice Department announced it had shut down 150 domain names of websites that were peddling counterfeit goods that included professional sports jerseys, golf equipment, DVD sets, footwear, handbags and sunglasses. “Through this operation we are aggressively targeting those who are selling counterfeit…

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