A corrupt former aide to two Buffalo mayors may help the feds find more corruption.
Timothy E. Wanamaker, also a former economic development chief, pleaded guilty Tuesday to a felony charge of stealing government funds, reports Buffalo News, and agreed to cooperate with federal investigators. Wanamaker admitted to charging about $30,000 in personal expenses to his City Hall credit card over four years.
“It was a serious lapse in judgment on my part,” Wanamaker told U.S. District Judge Richard J. Arcara, according to the Buffalo paper.
Wanamaker agreed to cooperate with an ongoing investigation between the FBI and HUD as part of his plea deal.
“I very much anticipate that federal investigators will be aggressive in questioning Mr. Wanamaker,” U.S. Attorney William J. Hochul Jr. said Tuesday according to the Buffalo News. “And those investigators will now be helped by someone who was on the inside.”
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