Statements by Bombing Suspect Tossed After FBI Delayed Reading of Miranda Rights

By Allan Lengel The controversy over the FBI reading Miranda rights to terrorism suspects could get some added fuel. The website Talking Points Memo (TPM) reported that U.S. District Judge Jude Justin Quackenbush in Spokane, Wash., was upset that the FBI did not immediately advise white supremacist Kevin Harpham of his rights after arresting…

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The White Powder We Fear: Packages Shut Down Alaska Congressional Offices in Fairbanks

By Allan Lengel The anthrax attacks of 2001 have left the U.S. with a collective paranoia about white powder and mail. The latest: Authorities temporarily shut the offices of three Alaska Congressional members on Monday after their Fairbanks offices received suspicious packages with white powder, Reuters news service reported. It ended up being harmless….

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