Vice President Joe Biden Charges Tax-Funded Secret Service Agents to Live in His Cottage

Steve Neavling  Vice President Joe Biden is charging rent to his taxpayer-funded Secret Service protection so the agents can live in a cottage next to his house in Delaware, The Inquisitr reports. Under the rental agreement, which was discovered when the vice president filed his tax return, Biden receives $2,200 a month, the same…

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Lawmakers Mull Plan to Toughen Border Security But Give Hope to Immigrants Already Here

Steve Neavling Lawmakers are mulling tougher border security measures designed to discourage undocumented immigrants from crossing the border, Reuters reports. But for the estimated 11 million who have already entered the country illegally, a path to citizenship may be possible under the proposal, said Senator Marco Rubio, a leader on immigration reform. “What we…

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Border Patrol Agents Offer to Give Up Overtime to Eliminate Furlough Days, Union Says

   Steve Neavling  Border Patrol agents are willing to give up increased overtime pay in exchange for not being furloughed as part of the mandated federal spending cuts, the Washington Post reports. “The reform I have just proposed saves tax dollars, reduces overtime pay and brings about financial certainty to both the Border Patrol…

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