China-Manufactured Drones Pose ‘Significant Risk’ to U.S. National Security 

By Steve Neavling

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security’s cyber agency are cautioning about the “significant risk to critical infrastructure and U.S. national security” posed by Chinese-manufactured drones that could steal American data, ABC News reports

The agencies issued a public service announcement, noting that Chinese law authorizes the government to access data held by private firms. That makes data collected by drones a significant risk, they said. 

“The use of Chinese-manufactured UAS requires careful consideration and potential mitigation to reduce risk to networks and sensitive information,” the document read.

The White House said China is the most “advanced, active, and persistent cyber threat” to the U.S. 

“Central to this strategy is the acquisition and collection of data – which the PRC views as a strategic resource and growing arena of geopolitical competition,” the release said. “The use of Chinese-manufactured UAS in critical infrastructure operations risks exposing sensitive information to PRC authorities, jeopardizing U.S. national security, economic security, and public health and safety.”

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