College Madam Tied To Eliot Spitzer Case is Off To Prison

The fall out from disgraced N.Y. Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s indiscretions continued to play out Thursday.

Associated Press Writer
NEW YORK –– A college student who managed the prostitution ring that brought down former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer was sentenced Thursday to six months in prison.
Cecil Suwal, 24, of New York, cried as she apologized and asked for mercy from U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones.
“It is my aim to prevent others, especially young girls, from making the kind of mistakes that I have made,” Suwal said.
She pleaded guilty last year to money laundering, conspiracy and conspiring to promote prostitution.
The federal probation department had recommended that Suwal receive no prison time. Prosecutors had sought roughly two years.
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