Column: FBI and CIA Deserve As Much Thanks as the Military

Kessler is the author of “The Secrets of the FBI.”

fbi photo
By Ronald Kessler

Because of the terrorist threat, the FBI and CIA have become as important as the military in preserving our freedom. Yet while thanking our military is standard practice in American life, no one thinks of thanking the FBI, the CIA, or the rest of the intelligence community for keeping us safe since 9/11.

Instead, the media and many on the extreme left and extreme right demonize the men and women of those agencies for allegedly “spying on innocent Americans.”

Last year, two Washington Post reporters took two years to uncover this story: The intelligence community is big and secret and uses a lot of contractors. Presented as an exposé, the series, “Top Secret America,” found no abuse. Instead, it presented the conclusion that the intelligence community is a “hidden world” that is “growing beyond control.”

To read more click here.


One thought on “Column: FBI and CIA Deserve As Much Thanks as the Military

  1. I just got this link in a email from Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue today detailing new evidence linking FBI agents to the creation of the Oklahoma City bombing. see
    If you remember correctly it was Attorney Trentadue who successfully sued the FBI for torturing his brother to death in a Federal Prison a few days after the Oklahoma City bombing.
    Google trentadue fbi to find out more

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