Allan Lengel


Allan Lengel, editor of, is  a veteran journalist who has covered law enforcement at major publications including the Washington Post and the Detroit News. He also served as an intern under the late investigative columnist Jack Anderson and was an adjunct journalism professor at the University of Maryland. 

We May Never Feel As Safe As We Did on Sept. 10, 2001

We May Never Feel As Safe As We Did on Sept. 10, 2001

By Allan Lengel Thirteen years  ago today, I was walking down Connecticut Avenue NW  in Washington, D.C.,  on my way to work, about to get on the subway, when I ran into a friend who asked if I had heard about a plane crashing into the World Trade Center. I hadn’t. By the time…

If Dead Kids Doesn’t Do It, What Will?

By Allan Lengel It’s nauseating to say the least to see how spineless our Washington lawmakers are, how fearful they are when it comes to standing up to the NRA and the people who insist that universal background checks are too intrusive and assault weapons are necessary to own. The Newtown shootings should have…
Shouldn’t We Do More to Avoid Mass Deaths By Crazed Gunmen?

Shouldn’t We Do More to Avoid Mass Deaths By Crazed Gunmen?

By Allan Lengel For Deadline Detroit During my visits to Israel, the idea of security was never far off. At the train station, at the bus stop, I went through a metal detector. An armed guard checked through packages and asked if I was carrying a gun. After Sept. 11, 2001, I thought the U.S….