Allan Lengel, editor of, is a veteran journalist who has covered law enforcement at major publications including the Washington Post and the Detroit News. He also served as an intern under the late investigative columnist Jack Anderson and was an adjunct journalism professor at the University of Maryland.
Shame on the Justice Dept. For Screwing Families in Boston Murder Cases
By Allan Lengel The U.S. Justice Department can feel proud that an appeals court Thursday essentially upheld its right to screw the families whose relatives were allegedly murdered by Boston gangster James J. “Whitey’’ Bulger. Bulger was working as an FBI informant and running wild, and a Boston federal judge back in…
Georgia May Have Killed More than Troy Davis
By Allan Lengel No one can defend a convicted cop killer. That’s easy to say. But they can if there’s a question as to whether the person killed the cop, and if the state has decided to execute that person with so much evidence in doubt. At 11:08 p.m. Wednesday night, the state of… Salutes Federal Law Enforcement in Its Battle Against Terrorism and Honors Those Who Died on Sept. 11, 2001
By Allan Lengel I still remember walking down Connecticut Avenue in Washington, headed to the subway, when I ran into a friend who told me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. About 20 minutes later, when I got off the subway downtown at the Farragut North stop, I bumped into…
We Have a Right to Bear Arms; We Also Have a Right to Live
By Allan Lengel I’m all for the right to bear arms. The constitution says we can. That being said, guns and semi-automatic rifles are a dangerous enough commodity — like prescription morphine and oxycodone — that they need to be regulated — particularly when they end up in the hands of…
Did Washington Not Understand ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious?
By Allan Lengel After talking to some folks and watching the latest Congressional hearings on ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious, I’m beginning to think the Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Chuck Grassley aren’t going to find what they’re looking for — that is: Who at the Justice Department gave the Ok for the operation…