Allan Lengel


Allan Lengel, editor of, is  a veteran journalist who has covered law enforcement at major publications including the Washington Post and the Detroit News. He also served as an intern under the late investigative columnist Jack Anderson and was an adjunct journalism professor at the University of Maryland. 

Note to Joe Biden — Give Secret Service Back the $13,000

Note to Joe Biden — Give Secret Service Back the $13,000

By Allan Lengel What better way to show gratitude to the folks who protect your life than to charge them so they can protect your life? Makes sense?  No! I don’t want to make a big deal out of this. After all,  when you take into account the real costs of providing executive protection,…
Ouch! Make ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious Mess Go Away

Ouch! Make ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious Mess Go Away

By Allan Lengel OUCH! Make it stop. It’s becoming all too painful to see the Congressional probe into ATF’s highly-flawed operation dubbed Fast and Furious. Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Charles Grassley have been leading the charge into the investigation of the operation that encouraged Arizona gun dealers to sell to straw purchasers, all…
The Clemens Case; Beware of the Hunt for Big Game

The Clemens Case; Beware of the Hunt for Big Game

By Allan Lengel When you go hunting for big game — particularly dangerous targets — you better be prepared. You also better be a good aim. Screw up and it can cost you — particularly if it’s a lion or a tiger or some other creature that can devour you. The U.S. Attorney’s Office…