Crazed Gunman Jared Loughner Pleads Guilty to 19 Charges in Arizona Shooting

Jared Loughner/pima county sheriff photo
By Allan Lengel

Crazed gunman Jared Loughner was found competent to stand trial on Tuesday. He then immediately pleaded guilty to 19 charges in a shooting spree last year in Tucson that left six people dead including a federal judge, and 13 wounded including ex-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

Loughner murdered U.S. District Judge John Roll and Giffords staffer Gabe Zimmerman. He also wounded Giffords employees Pam Simon and Ron Barber, the latter who succeeded Giffords as U.S. representative from Tucson, the Arizona Republic reported.

In exchange for the plea, the government agreed not to seek the death penalty.


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