David Bowdich to Head Up FBI’s Los Angeles Office

David Bowdich
By Allan Lengel

David Bowdich is moving up.

The special agent in charge of Counterterrorism in the FBI’s Los Angeles office has been named the assistant director in charge.

Bowdich,  who was named ticklethewire.com Fed of the Year in 2013, had served as the SAC since 2012.

Bowdich became an agent in 1995 and was assigned to the San Diego Field Office, where he investigated violent crimes and gangs and served as a SWAT team member and sniper, the FBI said. He led a yearlong wiretap investigation that culminated in the first federal racketeering convictions ever to be brought against street gang members in the Southern District of California.

In 2003, he went to headquarters where he served in the Safe Streets and Gang Unit. In late 2005, he returned to San Diego and supervised a multi-agency gang task force. In 2009, he was named assistant special agent in charge of the San Diego Field Office in 2009.

In 2011, Bowdich was selected to handle the transition of a new FBI Director. After Robert Mueller got a two-year extension, he was named special assistant to the associate deputy director.


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