Departing Kansas City U.S. Atty. Remembered for His Visual Aids

U.S. Atty. John Wood/doj photo
U.S. Atty. John Wood/doj photo

He came into the job when the Justice Department was embroiled in controversy. But he managed to navigate in the job with skill.

By Mark Morris
Kansas City Star
KANSAS CITY — John F. Wood loves visual aids.

If he left one lasting impression during his 22-month tenure as U.S. attorney in Kansas City, it was of him standing at a news conference, pointing to a map or chart that, depending on the case, showed how:

•Chinese women were trafficked into Johnson County massage parlors.

•Illegally obtained tax refunds traveled from bank accounts in Kansas City to Kenya.

•Contributions to a Columbia nonprofit purportedly supported a terrorist-linked orphanage in Pakistan.

•Raw materials from China allegedly contributed to an illegal scheme to make and sell anabolic steroids in the U.S.

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Terrorism Suspect Going to U.S. Court (Washington Post)

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