Judith Socolov, a former Justice Department political analyst in the 1940s, who fell in love with a Soviet agent and was convicted of espionage, died over the weekend in Manhattan, the New York Times reported. She was 88.
Judith Coplon, who later became Judith Socolov, was arrested by the FBI in 1949 while working at the Justice Department, the Times reported.
The Times reported that her convictions, one in 1949 for espionage and another for conspiracy in 1950, were both overturned. The Times reported one conviction was overturned “because federal agents overheard conversations with her lawyer, and in the other because she was arrested on probable cause but without a warrant.”
Still, the U.S. Court of Appeals concluded that ”her guilt is plain,” the Times reported. The paper wrote that Soviet documents released years later supported that conclusion.
”She was a very high priority to the F.B.I.,” John Earl Haynes, a cold war historian at the Library of Congress, told the Times on Monday, ”because she was clearly in a Justice Department office, the Foreign Agents Registration Section, that was receiving the F.B.I.’s own counterespionage reports.”
She went on to marry one of her attorneys Albert Socolov and raised four children, earned a master’s degree, published books and did other things, and ran two Mexican restaurants in New York with her husband.
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Mrs Socolov’s (Ms Coplon) traitorous activities were probably uncovered by Sn. Joe McCarthy. He was smeared and blocked at every turn by the progressives (Democrats) who continually supported their Socialist allies. Read Blacklisted by history : the untold story of Senator Joe McCarthy and his fight against America’s enemies / M. Stanton Evans for a hair-raising understanding of the roots of our current problems.
It should be realized, during the time these traitors were being ferreted out by McCarthy and others, that traitor was shuffled off to another equally sensitive dept. of our gov’t to continue drawing salary and benefits while also continuing to do the bidding of her Communist handlers.
It would be interesting to find out how much of our tax money continued to be given to this traitor during and after trial as earned vacation pay, salary continuation, health care and maybe a full time job. These financial support polices of our previous and current gov’t need to be curtailed.