FBI Agent Says Recent Terrorism Attacks Could Encourage al Qaeda and Others

By Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON — The FBI’s James McJunkin told a Congressional Committee Thursday that the “principal lesson from the Mumbai attacks remains that a small number of trained and determined attackers with relatively unsophisticated weapons can do a great deal of damage.”

“Last week’s attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahaore, Pakistan is another example of a low-tech, but potentially high impact operation,” McJunken, deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism division told the House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Transportation Security and Infrastructure Protection.

“We are concerned about the possibility that the other terrorist groups, including al Qaeda or its affiliates, will take note of these attacks and attempt to emulate them,” he said.
The attacks in Mumbai last Nov. 26 killed more than 170 people including six Americans.
McJunkin lauded the cooperation between the American and India’s investigative agencies.

“The unprecedented collaboration we developed with our Indian law enforcement and intelligence counterparts in this investigation has strengthened our relationship with the Government of India.”

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