FBI Dir. Robert Mueller Says U.S. On Guard From Attacks That Might Emanate from Libya

Robert Mueller/file fbi photo
By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III assured a Congressional committee Wednesday that the FBI is working to make sure the homeland is safe from attacks emanating from Libya, Fox News reported.

Mueller, testifying before the House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, said the U.S. is “on guard” for Libyan operatives who “may well” be in the United States a result of crossing the Mexico or Canada border, Fox reported.

“We also want to make certain that we are on guard [for] the possibility of terrorist attacks emanating somewhere out of Libya, whether it be Qaddafi’s forces or, in eastern Libya, the opposition forces who may have amongst them persons who in the past have had associations with terrorist groups,” Mueller said.

He also noted that “there may be intelligence officers that are operating with different types of cover in the United States.”

“We want to make certain that we’ve identified these individuals to ensure no harm comes from them, knowing they may well have been associated with the Qaddafi regime,” he added.

His testimony came just days after word surfaced in the media that the FBI was interviewing Libyans in the U.S. in response to the Libyan conflict.

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