FBI Interviews Differ from Obama’s Accounts of What Led to Consulate Attack in Benghazi

Steve Neavling

The Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi may not have happened as described by the Obama administration, Fox News reports.

The FBI interviewed survivors for three days and none reported a demonstration.

Obama initially said the attack occurred after a protest of an anti-Islam film got out of control.

“The FBI confirmed to me that when they interviewed the survivors on the 15th the 16th and the 17th [of September], not one person ever mentioned anything other than a terrorist attack. No one mentioned a protest outside the consulate,” Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham told Fox News. “So, how could the Obama administration come up with a protest story if everybody on the ground during the attack said it was a terrorist attack and there was no protest?”

It still remains clear whether the information ever got to the president, Fox News reported.

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