FBI to Turn Over Clinton’s E-Mails to State Department for Investigation

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

By Steve Neavling

The FBI plans to hand over to the State Department thousands of work-related emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server.

The FBI agreed to return the emails Tuesday and said it would cooperate, the Washington Post reports.

“In accordance with our policies and procedures, the FBI will be providing this information to your Department for review and determination of record status pursuant to the Federal Records Act and subsequent [Freedom of Information Act] processing as appropriate,” FBI General Counsel James A. Baker wrote in a letter dated Tuesday and filed in federal court in Washington.

The disclosure may help the federal government hand over email records as part of dozens of pending public records lawsuits, including one filed by Judicial Watch.

“If State obtains additional State Department records, it intends to search them for records” that would respond to requests from Judicial Watch, Justice Department senior trial counsel Caroline Lewis Wolverton wrote in a court filing.

Clinton’s attorneys are suggesting the records are private because her email account “has never been the property of or possessed by the State Department.”

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