The Feds are pushing back on the state of Alabama.
The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division warned 156 local law enforcement agencies they could lose their federal funding if they fail to comply with federal civil rights laws while enforcing the state’s harsh immigration laws, according to Talking Points Memo.
“As you undertake law enforcement activity under H.B. 56, it is critical that your enforcement of this law does not result in the unlawful stopping, questioning, searching, detaining, or arresting of persons in violation of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, or in the targeting of racial or ethnic minorities in a manner that violates the Fourteenth Amendment,” Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez wrote in a letter sent to reporters on Tuesday, according to Talking Points Memo.
Local law enforcement agencies are required to comply with certain federal non-discrimination requirements while receiving federal funding, Perez wrote; the feds are able end funding or bring a civil suit in federal court for noncompliance.
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