Former Attorney Gen. Eric Holder Says He’s Considering Running for President

By Allan Lengel

Former Attorney Gen. Eric Holder Jr. tells Stephen Colbert that he’s thinking fo running for president in 2020.

“What I’ve said is that I’d make a determination sometime early next year. My focus, really, now, is on 2018, the midterms and trying to make sure that Democrats take back the Senate, take back the House and do well, importantly, at the state level,” Holder said.

Holder said with redistricting scheduled for 2021 and “a real problem with partisan gerrymandering” he wants “to make sure we elect as many people as possible at the governor level, at the state legislature level, that when 2021 comes, we have a fair redistricting process.”

He also defended the controversial FISA warrant in the Russia investigation, saying it was clearly not all based on the infamous Steele dossier.

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