The subpoena has sent a message that the government is serious about getting to the bottom of the U.S. Attorney firings.
By PETE YOSTAssociated Press
WASHINGTON – A federal grand jury has subpoenaed records of former Sen. Pete Domenici, and prosecutors are preparing to interview an ex-aide to former White House political adviser Karl Rove in an investigation of politically tinged firings of U.S. attorneys.
The moves are the clearest sign yet that the criminal inquiry, which began in September, is likely to continue for many months.
Career federal prosecutor Nora R. Dannehy is looking into whether former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, other Bush administration officials or Republicans in Congress should face criminal charges in the dismissals. Some White House officials, including Rove as well as Domenici, R-N.M., the retired senator’s former chief of staff and others refused to be interviewed in an earlier joint inquiry by the Justice Department’s inspector general and the department’s Office of Professional Responsibility. Rove has said he will cooperate with Dannehy’s investigation. Tom Carson, a spokesman for Dannehy, declined to comment. For Full Story