Justice Dept. Won’t Appeal $101.7 Mil Verdict for 4 Framed by Boston FBI in 1965 Murder

bostonBy Allan Lengel

The Justice Department has decided not to appeal a $101.7 million civil suit award to four men framed by the FBI in a Boston area murder, the Boston Globe reported.

U.S. District Judge Nancy Gertner ruled in 2007 that the FBI was “responsible for the framing of four innocent men’’ in the 1965 murder of a small-time criminal, Edward “Teddy’’ Deegan just outside Boston, the Globe reported. The judge ruled the FBI deliberately withheld the info. The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld the ruling last year, though it said the award was at the outer edge of permissible awards.

Victor J. Garo, the lawyer for one of the framed men, Joseph Salvati, said his client will receive $31 million, plus $2 million in interest, the Globe reported. His client spent more than 29 years in prison for the wrongful conviction.

The Globe reported that other wrongfully accused men in the lawsuit are Peter J. Limone and the families of Louis Greco and Henry Tameleo. Greco and Tameleo died in prison.

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