Latest FBI Campaign to Find Mobster “Whitey” Bulger Brings in Tips Beyond “Our Expectations”

Boston Mobster Whitey Bulger
By Allan Lengel

The latest FBI campaign to try and nab Boston mobster James “Whitey” Bulger is paying off — at least if you measure it by the bulk of tips.

The Boston Globe reports the FBI has gotten a number of tips that have “exceeded our expectations”, the result of  a new ad campaign aimed at finding Bulger’s girlfriend, who is believed to be with him. Still, nothing yet in terms of capturing the ever-elusive gangster.

The new campaign includes billboards and 30-second daytime television spots in 14 cities, and focuses on Bulger’s companion Catherine Greig, 60.  The FBI hopes people will recognize Greig, and that will lead to Bulger’s arrest. She is also wanted for harboring a fugitive.

“We’ve been effective and efficient in reaching the geographic areas that we intended to,’’ FBI Special Agent Gregory Comcowich of Boston told the Globe. “The number of tips has exceeded our expectations.’’

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